
Regina sucked in a breath when she felt the coolness of Emma’s hands on her skin. Her lips trailed to the blonde’s neck, nipping at the spots she kissed. She walked her fingers up Emma’s sides, her nails digging into the other’s back. Biting down at the spot behind her fiancee’s ear, she soothed it with her tongue, pulling away so she’d allow Emma to remove her shirt.

She bit back soft groans, teeth sinking deeper and deeper into her own lip.  Regina’s mouth trailed her neck and she felt her body give in completely in that moment.  The blonde raised her shoulders as the nails nearly punctured her skin, and then a bite had pulled a slight yelp from her.  As soon as the brunette had stopped, Emma pushed her shirt over her head, swiftly adhering their mouths together.  Her fingers roamed Regina’s backside, chests pressed tightly together.  She needed to get these stupid bras out of the way.  Emma unclasped her fiancee’s bra, smirking for a split second.


Her fingers skittered across the expanse of Emma’s stomach once she had managed to toss the top to the side. Regina allowed her lips to hover over the blonde’s, keeping the smirk on her face; instead of giving Emma another kiss, she pressed her lips to Emma’s cheek, then to her jawline.

A very small groan slipped between her teeth.  Regina would drive her mad like this.  She grabbed her fiancee’s hips, pushing her fingers under the hem of her shirt.  Her neck arched with the kisses, and a soft sigh exited her.  She drew breath, blinking into the light of the ceiling fan above them.  Emma pulled her lover with her until the backs of her legs hit some part of the couch.


Regina ran her hands down Emma’s chest & then back up to her shoulders, breaking the kiss another time to flash a sly grin at her fiancee. She raised a brow, biting her own lip as one of her hands inched downwards and pushed up Emma’s tank top.

It was one of those moods.  Emma opened her eyes as the kiss was broken again.  She saw the look and felt Regina’s hand.  The blonde quirked a brow and smirked.  She held tight to her lover’s waist, walking them back further into the living room.  When they were close enough to the couch, she lifted her arms to pull her tank top off.


spookysavior replied to your post:
She wasn’t surprised by the kiss, but the attachment Regina had to her lip might have done it. The blonde wrapped her arms tightly around the brunette’s waist in response.

Her thumbs swiped over Emma’s jawline as she deepened the kiss, nearly stumbling forward as she tried to push the blonde into the living room. She dislodged herself for only a moment, sure to not run them both into a wall before she latched herself back onto Emma’s lips.

Emma felt Regina’s weight shift and worried they would tumble onto the floor for a moment before she stepped backwards carefully.  She took a breath as their lips parted, eyes flicking between those two dark eyes before her. When Regina nearly lunged back into place, the blonde took another step back, hands gripping the mayor’s sides.


When the reached the pathway, Regina took one hand away from Emma’s to retrieve her keys from her pocket. She stepped foot on the porch, taking a second to find the right key before putting it into the lock. Regina opened the door and went inside, holding it open for Emma.

Emma followed her inside.  She pulled off one boot, then the next, and shrugged out of her jacket.  A breath escaped her and she stifled a soft yawn.  After she’d hung her jacket up with all her others, she looked back at the mayor.  ”Come on, Gina,” she murmured with a crooked grin, extended her hand to her fiancee.


Regina’s other hand moved to the one of Emma’s she was holding, squeezing it gently. She liked this, just getting to walk with her fiancee, even when they really didn’t have much to talk about. It was always calming and, make no mistake, she also just loved showing off that Emma was hers & no one else’s. “A nap does sound nice,” she said, softly, “ we do have some time before Henry comes back from your parents’ home.”

Emma nodded, smiling.  ”That sounds like a good plan.”  She was happy that they were open about their relationship now.  It was so much easier than trying to hide it from her parents and well, the whole town.  Emma watched the sidewalk and looked at their home down the street.



Emma smiled, squeezing her fingers.  She swung their hands gently as they walked.  ”Good.  Then I can undress you when we get home.”  She smirked.

Regina chucked in response, pressing her body against Emma’s side. “I believe I’d like that,” she replied.

Emma kept her close, walking along with her down the street.  I know we haven’t really talked about it, but… have you thought about a date?  The blonde decided to not say anything about it.  ”Well, I’ll be sure to do it then.”


She moved towards Emma, her arms snaking around the blonde’s waist. Regina smiled more at the comment; she pecked her fiancee’s lips. “Please don’t hide something like that from me again, alright?”

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled through a tiny smile.  “I just… I honestly hadn’t thought about it.”  The blonde rested her forehead against her lovers.  She released a small breath and opened her eyes.  “Can we go home?”