Chapter: Shit Hits The Fan ||


It had been a full two days since Jack had picked up the strange woman who pulled a gun on him in Boston, but since then, things had been running unnaturally smooth for the survivors. They had only stopped for essential things so far. Refilling the tank, personal care, and looting whatever was left at a local drug store on their way to Kingston. But wasn’t what made him happy, it was just being around Emma herself that made the days a little less grim.

The first few hours, they hadn’t said much and Jack just drove through the night while Emma snoozed on the seats. But after the first day, they had barely stopped talking, it was insane. It was almost as if they hadn’t gone through the end of the world and were just taking a road trip for the hell of it. Emma was brave, she’d taken out guys bigger than her and had made this far single handedly. Jack was beyond impressed.

It was only another day or so until they reach the base in Kingston, and since Emma was driving, he’d been able to catch a little rest as he watched the road go by. “Hey… What are we gonna do once we reach the base? You gonna leave me for some good looking soldier?” 

Emma couldn’t say the last two days were the best of her life, no, but they were the best in the past five years.  After she’d woken sometime in the night, she insisted she drive while Jack took a break.  The hours he spent sleeping were a nice quiet for her.  Emma had never been much of a talker, but she’d never had so much to say.  Fingers gripping the wheel tightly, she heard him shift in the seat before speaking.  

“I’ll probably look for food to stuff my face.  I can’t remember the last time I was actually stuffed.”  She rolled her eyes and glanced over at him.  “Some good looking soldier, huh?  Yanno, I hadn’t even thought about that.  I bet there’s gonna be a lot of em to choose from.”  She pulled one hand from the wheel and tapped her chin.  “I guess that means I need to figure out what my type is,” she mumbled, nearly to herself.  The blonde watched the road, blinking into the harsh sunlight before she saw another small city in the distance.  It was too soon for Kingston.

“I guess my type would be taller than me, without being too tall.  Um, not worried with hair color.”  Emma snuck another peek over at him.  “I mean, I don’t really think they’d hold a gun to my head and then proceed to pull me into a jeep.  I think you need to work on those manners of yours.”


“Sinfully darling.” He smiled, taking a step back with the smirk on his face growing more and more. “But maybe I want to make you chase me this time. I think I might head up stairs, if you care to join me.” Jack chuckled, shrugging off the shirt he’d worn that day. 

Emma watched him, biting the inside of her lip as he pulled off his shirt.  She started towards him, waiting for him to run so she could make chase.  ”I can chase,” she said simply.  Jack knew she would too.  


“You don’t give in at any time. It’s evil, woman.” He smirked back as he too took a step forward.

“Evil, really?”  One eyebrow arched and she canted her head slightly.  “I was pretty sure you’d like the outcome, Jack.  When I make you wait,” she stepped up to him and brushed her fingers against his collarbone, dragging them down his chest, “you get more out of it.”



“… With boots?”

“Those have to come off before my pants, smart man.  I’m already down into a bra.  Why are you complaining?”

“I’m complaining because you picked boots over bra.” He grinned, knowing he was going to get it.

“I don’t give in to you that easily,” she said, narrowing her eyes.  The corners of her lips were raised in a smirk as she stepped closer to him.